Really Big Big Numbers….
I’m still fascinated with the outrage that the AIG bonuses have generated. I can understand that it looks like a lot of money. But lets write two numbers down for a minute,
Now the second number is 1000x larger than the first as a reasonable approximation. But people seem to be completely unaware of the second number even though the first number is totally dependent on the second number. That may sound a bit cryptic, so let me put it another way.
Because the Federal Government has given AIG $170,000,000,000.
AIG can now hand out 0.1% of that money, $165,000,000, in retention bonuses.
My question is,...
If the number that is 1000x times smaller than the actual bailout of AIG is causing all this fuss why aren’t people in the streets in huge numbers demonstrating against the $170,000,000,000 bailout?
It is, after all, a bailout. A way of propping up a company that was a key player in bringing about the financial crisis that also is a significant if not the main reason for the recession that is putting people out of work.
It doesn’t stop there!!!.
President Obama has his $750,000,000,000 stimulus package.
If there is only 1% waste, fraud and abuse (a laughably small number given how fast the government is going to try and spend it — think of the money for Katrina aid that went to strip club trips) that is still $7,500,000,000 that is wasted.
1% Waste = $7,500,000,000
That number is 45.5x the size of the AIG bailouts.
Where is the outrage?
My only conclusion is that most people are innumerate. When a number gets too big they just can’t grasp the magnitude of that number. Here is one way of trying to get a grasp on the magnitude of these numbers.
If you took 170,000,000,000 one dollar bills and stacked them one on top of each other (not end-to-end) it would be 11,537 miles high. If you took 750,000,000,000 one dollar bills and did the same thing it would be 50,899 miles long, or it could go around the earth twice at the equator.
Why people are worried about a stack of one dollar bills that is only 11 miles high beats me.
The Next Tax coming is a 77% on all Christens clinging to their Bibles and Guns....
The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 provides that: “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law will be passed.”
Definition: A legislative act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." --Margaret Thatcher
“Politicians have immense power to do harm to the economy. But they have very little power to do good.”
Here we have a "Complex Cat in the Box LOL Heheheheheehe
Wow these are sure complex flowers !! ha?
Spring is sprung;
The grass is riz.
I wonder where
The floweres is.
pappy, I simply am at "overload" when those numbers are brought up...I've no real concept of what that means, except it's more than I know...ever.
As I said if there were 1% waste, and think "Katrina" when you think Govt waste. If just 1% waste ...
1% waste of Obamas Bailout bill
1% Waste = $7,500,000,000
That number is
45.5x the size of the AIG bailouts.
Where is your, OUR, OUTRAGE?
The numbers are so big we don't know what is happening to America.
Obama has spent in 1 stroke of the pen, (something no one read) more than all the money spent from George Washington, thru George W. Bush combined.
Again where is OUR OUTRAGE?
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