Monday, July 26, 2010

Free Liver for Wife Killer

Having a new liver installed can be costly for the rest of us, but all a confessed murderer had to do was destroy his old one by gobbling rat poison. Taxpayers fixed him up with a new liver free of charge, with no waiting:

A confessed Bronx wife-killer who destroyed his liver in a half-cocked suicide attempt blew past nearly 2,000 New Yorkers on the state's transplant list to get a new organ, The Post has learned.
"It's an outrage — a complete waste on a man who obviously had no regard for life," said a friend of Jordania Sarita, 36, who cops say was stabbed to death by husband Johnny Concepcion on July 5. …
Sarita's mother, Maria, told The Post: "There are people that wait years for a liver transplant. There are children on the waiting lists, people who work hard."

Working hard is not how you get ahead in a world run by moonbats. Guess who will be getting priority after the federal government has finished consolidating total control of the healthcare system? The answer: not you.

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